Dear Members,
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم
This is to inform the membership regarding a meeting held under the Chairmanship of Mr. Hassan Nasir Jamy, Secretary Aviation Division with the representatives of Pakistan International Airline and Pakistan Airlines Pilots’ Association (PALPA) in the Aviation Division at 1000 hours on 7th April, 2020.
The representatives of PALPA apprised the meeting about their apprehensions pertaining to the safety measures being taken regarding airline operations in the wake of COVlD-l9.
Secretary Aviation assured the Association of full support and readiness to all measures to ensure the safety and well-being of pilots and crew members.
The following decisions were taken in the meeting:
a) The Pilot-in-command will ensure to his/her satisfaction the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by PCAA and PIACL.
b) PIACL management will ensure that the cabin crew and relevant ground handling staff are fully briefed/trained. Full compliance to the PCAA SOPs will be ensured at every level of aircraft.
c) In the case of a pilot declining to operate the said flight, no punitive action, at that time or in the future, will be taken against him/her.
d) PIACL will provide the appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to the cockpit and cabin crew with immediate effect.
e) Government of Pakistan / PCAA directions of operations from designated facilities will be followed. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the Chair.
As of this FLASH and in accordance with the above terms, Flight Operations have resumed.
The Executive Committee of PALPA wholeheartedly thanks the membership including contractual pilots who stood firm for a national cause. Your support is our strength and the Executive Committee fully appreciates your continuous cooperation and support.
With Best Regards,
Capt. Narejo
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