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The only body in Pakistan catering specifically for the needs and protection of pilots.
Click here to log in to the PALPA members portal to access official documents.
Executive Committee
Principal Office Bearers

Capt. Chaudhry Salman Riaz

Vice President
Capt. Bijarani

General Secretary
Capt. Narejo

Joint Secretary
Capt. Humayun Malik

Joint Secretary
Capt. M. Dilnawaz

Study with the University of PIAMS
PIAMS is distinctly unique from other institutions and universities in the country. It is committed to the lovers of aviation world, leading-edge technology embracers and those who have progressive approach, a professional attitude and yearn to be the best in the industry. Our strength lies in our commitment to the students. We believe in adopting global standards, inculcating business ethics, academic quality and reaching out to adopt innovations in learning and education.
Flash 10.3.2023
Dear Members, With the diminishing pilots workforce in PIACL and inevitable increase in flying hours to pilots ratio, it is of utmost importance...
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ)
Dear Members, It is with profound grief that we announce the sad demise of the older brother of Capt. (Rtd) Azhar Khan in Rawalpindi. Namaz-e-Janaza...
Annual General Body Meeting
ALL PALPA Members: - The Annual General Body Meeting of the Pakistan Air Line Pilots’ Association shall be held on Friday the 3rd March 2023 at...
Incorrect QNH Selection
Abstract NOTEThis paper supersedes 12SAB13, of the same name.
Incorrect QNH Selection
No abstract is currently available. Please click on Download to view this publication in PDF.
Info: 30.11.2022
Dear Members, PALPA Executive Committee (EC) has taken a serious note of the rumours being spread within our community, specially among the...
Info 28.11.2022
Dear Members,السلام عليكم This is to apprise the membership on the recent meeting held between the honourable Aviation Minister Mr. Saad Raffique...
Info: 02.11.2022
Dear Members, PALPA Executive Committee has been approached by numerous members regarding financial stress due to current inflationary trend in the...
Winter Conditions at Finland Airports: requirements for pilots and air operators
Abstract Update: Safe winter operations normally require special procedures by airline maintenance, engineering, ground crew, and de-icing...
Special Meeting
All PALPA Members, The Executive Committee has decided to convene a Special Meeting on one point agenda i.e. ”TO DELIBERATE UPON AND, FIND WAYS AND...
Get In Touch
To get more information on our work and services or If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, we would be happy to attend to you.
(+9221) 3586-8860, 3582-4037, 9925-1128
ST-31, Block-5,
Kehkashan, Clifton,
Karachi – 75600